
This page describes how to set up a connection between WarpStream and Materialize, ingest data into Materialize, and create a materialized view of this data.

A video walkthrough can be found below:


  1. WarpStream account - get access to WarpStream by registering here.

  2. Materialize account - get access to Materialize by registering here.

  3. WarpStream cluster is up and running.

Step 1: Create a topic in your WarpStream cluster

Obtain the Bootstrap Broker from the WarpStream console by navigating to your cluster and then clicking the Connect tab. If you don't have SASL credentials yet, you can also create a set of credentials from the console.

Store these values as environment variables for easy reference:


Then, create a topic using the WarpStream CLI:

warpstream kcmd -bootstrap-host $BOOTSTRAP_HOST -tls -username $SASL_USERNAME -password $SASL_PASSWORD -type create-topic -topic materialize_click_streams

You should see the following output in your Terminal:

Created topic materialize_click_streams.

Step 2: Produce some records

Using the WarpStream CLI, produce several messages to your topic:

warpstream kcmd -bootstrap-host $BOOTSTRAP_HOST -tls -username $SASL_USERNAME -password $SASL_PASSWORD -type produce -topic materialize_click_streams --records '{"action": "click", "user_id": "user_0", "page_id": "home"},,{"action": "hover", "user_id": "user_0", "page_id": "home"},,{"action": "scroll", "user_id": "user_0", "page_id": "home"}'

Note that the WarpStream CLI uses double commas (,,) as a delimiter between JSON records.

Step 3: Connect Materialize with WarpStream

First, provide your WarpStream credentials as SECRET objects in the Materialize console:

CREATE SECRET warpstream_username AS 'ccun_XXXXXXXXXX';
CREATE SECRET warpstream_password AS 'ccp_XXXXXXXXXX';

Then, establish a CONNECTION object (note: replace $BOOTSTRAP_HOST with its value from Step 1):

    SASL USERNAME = SECRET warpstream_username,
    SASL PASSWORD = SECRET warpstream_password

Finally, create a SOURCE object to being consuming messages from your WarpStream topic:

CREATE SOURCE warpstream_click_stream_source
  FROM KAFKA CONNECTION warpstream_kafka (TOPIC 'materialize_click_streams')

Step 4: Verify that Materialize is ingesting data from WarpStream

In the Materialize Console, run:

SELECT * FROM warpstream_click_stream_source;

You should see the results displaying the records that you produced in Step 2.

Step 5: Create a materialized view

First, create the materialized view:

    SELECT (data::jsonb)['user_id'], COUNT(*)
    FROM warpstream_click_stream_source
    GROUP BY (data::jsonb)['user_id'];

Then, query the result:

SELECT * FROM warpstream_click_stream_mv;

You should see a result showing user_0 with a count of 3 records.

Step 6: Produce another record to your WarpStream topic

In your Terminal, produce another record to your topic:

warpstream kcmd -bootstrap-host $BOOTSTRAP_HOST -tls -username $SASL_USERNAME -password $SASL_PASSWORD -type produce -topic materialize_click_streams --records '{"action": "click", "user_id": "user_1", "page_id": "home"}'

In the Materialize Console, query the materialized view again:

SELECT * FROM warpstream_click_stream_mv;

You should now see two records, the record for user_0 with a count of 3, and a new record for user_1 with a count of 1.

Next Steps

After validating that your WarpStream cluster is connected to Materialize and that Materialize can consume and process data from WarpStream, you are ready to set up an actual data pipeline between WarpStream and Materialize.

For more information on how to set up and configure Materialize, head over to the Materialize Docs page.

Last updated