Agent Configuration

Required Command Line Flags and Environment Variables

All WarpStream Agent configurations can be set via command-line flags or environment variables. Command-line flags take precedence over environment variables.

Optional Command Line Flags and Environment Variables

All WarpStream Agent configuration can be set either via command line flags, or environment variables. Command line flags take precedence over environment variables.

Availability zone automatic detection

By default, the agent will try to reach the cloud provider metadata to detect in which availability zone the agent is running and advertise this to the WarpStream control plane. It currently supports AWS, GCP, and Azure.

If the agent appears with a warpstream-unset-az availability zone when you look at your virtual cluster in the WarpStream console, then it means it failed to do it. You should have a log error determining availability zone with possibly an explanation of what went wrong.

For instance, a known issue on AWS EKS is that the hop limit on old EKS node group is 1, preventing the call to AWS metadata from failing. Raising it to 2 should fix the issue (see AWS doc).

As a last resort, you can use the WARPSTREAM_AVAILABILITY_ZONEenvironment variable described in the table above to declare the availability zone in which your agent is running.

Last updated


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